Story and photos by Jeff Glaze
(Note from Prof. Jolliffe: Jeff is working with European PressPhoto Agency and has access to the Hall and the Podium every night-- WOW, what an opportunity!)
The opening night of the Democratic National Convention marked not by the speech of Michelle Obama, but by the surprise appearance of Senator Ted Kennedy. Caroline Kennedy took the stage to give a speech about the people of greatest influence in her life, most notably her brother. After Caroline finished her emotional speech, a video about Sen. Kennedy’s life was played in the Pepsi Center. The video was extremely well received as many of the audience members were left with tears running from their eyes. A moment later Ted Kennedy and his wife, Vicki emerged from behind the stage to a raucous applause. Supporters chanted “KEN-NED-Y! KEN-NED-Y!” and held up signs with the Senator’s name on them. The Senator and his wife embraced behind the podium and waved to the delegates and media. It was easy to get chills from the moment. Sen. Kennedy delivered a very personal speech about the struggle for universal health care and his support for Barack Obama. The crowd went especially wild when Sen. Kennedy promised that he would be in Washington come January 2009.
Sen. Kennedy’s appearance was energizing for everyone in the Pepsi Center Monday evening. In the midst of fighting a malignant brain tumor, Kennedy found Obama’s candidacy for President to be of enough importance to warrant an appearance. The image of Ted Kennedy beating the odds to stand at the podium at the DNC to support Barack Obama conveyed the Obama campaign’s message of hope.
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