Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Protestors Inside and Out

from Lee Jolliffe

While Alexa Pichert was helping with Nancy Pelosi's much-interrupted event inside (see her post below), I was swimming upstream through thousands of people jamming the 16th Street pedestrian mall (the 10+-block shopping/tourist area downtown). I wasn't there for fun either; I was headed for the Iowa delegation's hotel in the middle of the mess, looking for passes to tomorrow night's Obama event (which it seems will really start at 11 am if you have any true desire to get in).

It wasn't so much the protestors as the police who created the logjam of people, bikes, and free trolleys. It was the police.

As I approached the Mall, an SUV with police all over it like ants on a creampuff went zooming by blasting bursts of siren. I followed more slowly.

It was quite a parade: Cop-decorated SUV, then cadre of bicycle police, then a mounted patrol in riot gear, then the little mob of protestors, then a whole array of police again--driving, riding, mounted.

A kid handed me a sheet about "Denver's Dirtiest", "polluters of global proportions bankrolling the DNC".

But I never did see what the protest was all about.

I did, however, score those coveted passes for my students.

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